Off. no 4, Mezzanine FL. Plot # 2C Khayaban-e-Jami, 6th Comm. St, D.H.A Phase-VII
call us: 021 35389009


Vehical Brandings

Unique Advertising Co.

Unique Advertising provide all types of vehicle branding for vehicles, cars, floats and vans. we use state of the art adhesive and digital printing to make the artworks more eye-catching.

We deliver all kinds of Vinyl Vehicle Branding Solutions. We not only print the vinyl media with our High Resolution Quality Printers but also give you services such as pasting the vinyl on your desired Vehicle. We have a network of skilled team across Pakistan for hassle-free execution of your campaign.



  • +92 30082989990

  • 021-35389009

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about us
We are the leading Advertisers and OOH Media Providers dedicated to empowering consumers with geo-targeted reach that extends from capital cities all across Pakistan. Our diverse range of available sites allows you to target specific markets, thereby minimizing advertising wastage.
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